Source code for gssapi.raw.ext_rfc5801

import typing as t

    from gssapi.raw.named_tuples import InquireSASLNameResult
    from gssapi.raw.oids import OID

[docs]def inquire_saslname_for_mech( mech: "OID", ) -> "InquireSASLNameResult": """Gets information about a specified mech, including the SASL name, the mech name, and the mech description. Args: mech (~gssapi.OID): Mechanism to inquire about Returns: InquireSASLNameResult: the results of inquiry; a mech's SASL name, name, and description. Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError: an unknown failure occurred """
[docs]def inquire_mech_for_saslname( sasl_name: bytes, ) -> "OID": """Gets the OID for the mech specified by SASL name. Args: sasl_name (bytes): SASL name of the mechanism Returns: ~gssapi.OID: the mechanism with corresponding SASL name. Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError: An unknown failure occurred """