Source code for gssapi.raw.ext_krb5

import typing as t

    from gssapi.raw.creds import Creds
    from gssapi.raw.named_tuples import CfxKeyData, Rfc1964KeyData
    from gssapi.raw.sec_contexts import SecurityContext

[docs]class Krb5LucidContext: """ The base container returned by :meth:`krb5_export_lucid_sec_context` when an unknown version was requested. """
[docs]class Krb5LucidContextV1(Krb5LucidContext): """ Kerberos context data returned by :meth:`krb5_export_lucid_sec_context` when version 1 was requested. """ @property
[docs] def version(self) -> t.Optional[int]: """The structure version number Returns: Optional[int]: the structure version number """
[docs] def is_initiator(self) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Whether the context was the initiator Returns: Optional[bool]: ``True`` when the exported context was the initiator """
[docs] def endtime(self) -> t.Optional[int]: """Expiration time of the context Returns: Optional[int]: the expiration time of the context """
[docs] def send_seq(self) -> t.Optional[int]: """Sender sequence number Returns: Optional[int]: the sender sequence number """
[docs] def recv_seq(self) -> t.Optional[int]: """Receiver sequence number Returns: Optional[int]: the receiver sequence number """
[docs] def protocol(self) -> t.Optional[int]: """The protocol number If the protocol number is 0 then :attr:`rfc1964_kd` is set and :attr:`cfx_kd` is `None`. If the protocol number is 1 then the opposite is true. Protocol 0 refers to RFC1964 and 1 refers to RFC4121. Returns: Optional[int]: the protocol number """
[docs] def rfc1964_kd(self) -> t.Optional["Rfc1964KeyData"]: """Keydata for protocol 0 (RFC1964) This will be set when :attr:`protocol` is ``0``. Returns: Optional[Rfc1964KeyData]: the RFC1964 key data """
[docs] def cfx_kd(self) -> t.Optional["CfxKeyData"]: """Key data for protocol 1 (RFC4121) This will be set when :attr:`protocol` is ``1``. Returns: Optional[CfxKeyData]: the RFC4121 key data """
[docs]def krb5_ccache_name( name: t.Optional[bytes], ) -> bytes: """Set the default Kerberos Protocol credentials cache name. This method sets the default credentials cache name for use by he Kerberos mechanism. The default credentials cache is used by :meth:`~gssapi.raw.creds.acquire_cred` to create a GSS-API credential. It is also used by :meth:`~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.init_sec_context` when `GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL` is specified. Note: Heimdal does not return the old name when called. It also does not reset the ccache lookup behaviour when setting to ``None``. Note: The return value may not be thread safe. Args: name (Optional[bytes]): the name to set as the new thread specific ccache name. Set to ``None`` to revert back to getting the ccache from the config/environment settings. Returns: bytes: the old name that was previously set Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_export_lucid_sec_context( context: "SecurityContext", version: int, ) -> Krb5LucidContext: """Returns a non-opaque version of the internal context info. Gets information about the Kerberos security context passed in. Currently only version 1 is known and supported by this library. Note: The context handle must not be used again by the caller after this call. Args: context (~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.SecurityContext): the current security context version (int): the output structure version to export. Currently only 1 is supported. Returns: Krb5LucidContext: the non-opaque version context info Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_extract_authtime_from_sec_context( context: "SecurityContext", ) -> int: """Get the auth time for the security context. Gets the auth time for the established security context. Note: Heimdal can only get the authtime on the acceptor security context. MIT is able to get the authtime on both initiators and acceptors. Args: context (~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.SecurityContext): the current security context Returns: int: the authtime Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_extract_authz_data_from_sec_context( context: "SecurityContext", ad_type: int, ) -> bytes: """Extracts Kerberos authorization data. Extracts authorization data that may be stored within the context. Note: Only operates on acceptor contexts. Args: context (~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.SecurityContext): the current security context ad_type (int): the type of data to extract Returns: bytes: the raw authz data from the sec context Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_import_cred( cred_handle: "Creds", cache: t.Optional[int] = None, keytab_principal: t.Optional[int] = None, keytab: t.Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Import Krb5 credentials into GSSAPI credential. Imports the krb5 credentials (either or both of the keytab and cache) into the GSSAPI credential so it can be used within GSSAPI. The ccache is copied by reference and thus shared, so if the credential is destroyed, all users of cred_handle will fail. Args: cred_handle (Creds): the credential handle to import into cache (int): the krb5_ccache address pointer, as an int, to import from keytab_principal (int): the krb5_principal address pointer, as an int, of the credential to import keytab (int): the krb5_keytab address pointer, as an int, of the keytab to import Returns: None Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_get_tkt_flags( context: "SecurityContext", ) -> int: """Return ticket flags for the kerberos ticket. Return the ticket flags for the kerberos ticket received when authenticating the initiator. Note: Heimdal can only get the tkt flags on the acceptor security context. MIT is able to get the tkt flags on initiators and acceptors. Args: context (~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.SecurityContext): the security context Returns: int: the ticket flags for the received kerberos ticket Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """
[docs]def krb5_set_allowable_enctypes( cred_handle: "Creds", ktypes: t.Iterable[int], ) -> None: """Limits the keys that can be exported. Called by a context initiator after acquiring the creds but before calling :meth:`~gssapi.raw.sec_contexts.init_sec_context` to restrict the set of enctypes which will be negotiated during context establisment to those in the provided list. Warning: The cred_handle should not be ``GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL``. Args: cred_hande (Creds): the credential handle ktypes (List[int]): list of enctypes allowed Returns: None Raises: ~gssapi.exceptions.GSSError """